ProfilerFAnalyzer for AOF by US EPA Method 1621
In January 2024, the US EPA published Method 1621, a screening method for the determination of adsorbable organic fluorine (AOF) in aqueous matrices by combustion ion chromatography (CIC). While CIC and LC-MS/MS both require sample preparation, measurement by CIC is slightly easier than LC-MS/MS and doesn’t require nearly as much data analysis and interpretation.

Optimized for Fluorine Analysis
Following the multi-lab validation, the EPA finalized Method 1621 adding performance criteria. The ProfilerF Analyzer for AOF is configured specifically for AOF analysis, optimized to handle unknown fluoride concentrations. The system includes:
- Patented combustion tube technology designed for fluorinated samples
- EPA 1621 prescribed analytical and guard columns
- Water delivery system capable of introducing reagent water at a controlled rate
- Equipment for continuous eluent generation
- MagIC Net software for seamless control of combustion and chromatography hardware
- Comprehensive three-year warranty on full system
AOF Sample Prep by EPA Method 1621
Conveniently bundled with all the materials you’ll need to get started. This easy-to-use system helps you process up to 6 samples simultaneously. The bundle includes:
- APU sim Sample Prep Unit made by Analytik Jena
- Low-fluoride carbon extraction tubes
- Sodium nitrate, >99%, 500g for preparing rinse solution
- Disposable syringes
- O-rings
- Replacement hoses
- Duplex column holders

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